Revision 52 (01-01-24 through 12-31-24) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5.A04 – Two Parent Employment Program (TPEP) Jobs
Removed entire reference. Reformatted TPEP Jobs policy and moved to FAA1.D02E from FAA5.A04. (Effective 03/18/2024)
FAA5.H – Notice Request (NORE CLNR)
Removed entire chapter because it was reformatted and moved to Notifying Participants of Actions Regarding Their Benefits under Agency Responsibilities. (Updated as of 04/01/2024)
Reorganized sections and added a header for CA Payment Standard Test. (Effective 01/02/2024)
Removed vehicle insurance from the list of mortgage payments. Added payment booklet or receipts for a vehicle used as a shelter as an example of mortgage verification. (Updated as of 04/01/2024) Removed the OC Frequency Code and replaced it with the AC Frequency Code. (For all Frequency Codes keyed on or after 05/21/2024)
Removed the OC Frequency Code and replaced it with the AC Frequency Code. (For all Frequency Codes keyed on or after 05/21/2024) Added clarification for when dependent care costs are not allowed when a participant’s spouse or the other parent is in the household. (Updated as of 08/19/2024)
Removed the OC Frequency Code and replaced it with the AC Frequency Code. (For all Frequency Codes keyed on or after 05/21/2024) An example was added to explain how to key the child support expense when it is being deducted from Social Security benefits. (Effective 08/19/2024)
Removed the OC Frequency Code and replaced it with the AC Frequency Code. (For all Frequency Codes keyed on or after 05/21/2024)
Removed the OC Frequency Code and replaced it with the AC Frequency Code. (For all Frequency Codes keyed on or after 05/21/2024)
Added keying procedures for income screens when a participant is disqualified. (Effective 03/18/2024)
Added clarification that there is no limit to the timeframe CA supplements can be issued. (Clarified as of 01/29/2024)
Added the OnBase FAA1842A Disaster NA Replacement Request Unity form. Updated the procedures section to clarify instructions for FAA staff when a hard copy FAA-1842A form is received at the local office. (Clarified as of 04/01/2024)
Added guidelines for selecting an EBT Card PIN. (Clarified as of 07/08/2024)
Clarifying the beginning date of the timely NAX 7-day benefit issuance date. (Clarified as of 06/24/2024.) Added clarification that the AMPS calendar displays the sixth calendar day for expedites. (Clarified as of 08/05/2024.)