FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
Clarified that participants must be receiving both NA and CA to be eligible. Added that FAA staff and the participant complete the Authorization to Open an IDA (FAA-0837A) form when an eligible participant wishes to open an IDA. (Effective 03/04/2024)
Added information that Health Savings Accounts are not countable as a resource for NA or CA. (Updated in the CNAP Manual on 04/08/2024)
Added new policy reference titled Money Transfer Apps which explains how to treat and budget when a participant uses money transfer apps to send or receive money. (Updated in the CNAP Manual on 06/24/2024)
Added Empowerment Scholarship Account information and updated keying instruction for the inaccessible resources. (Updated in the CNAP Manual on 04/15/2024)
Removed verbiage in example 2 that tells FAA staff to key income (I) and expenses (E) on SEEW. This is no longer the correct process. (Effective 02/26/2024)
Removed Emergency Rental Assistance Payments and replaced it with Arizona Rental Assistance Program. Removed the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program. (Updated as of 03/18/2024) Updated information about Reception and Placement (R&P) Grants, Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), and TANF Differential Payments for clarity. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 04/15/2024)
Removed Arizona Rental Assistance Program (ARAP) from the list of assistance types. (Effective 11/04/2024)
Corrected who the child support income should be keyed next to in AZTECS Keying Procedures section. (Updated as of 07/01/2024) Revised Verification section to clarify acceptable verification of child support income. (Updated as of 10/21/2024)
Added information that a withdrawal from a Health Savings Account is not countable unearned income for NA or CA. (Updated in the CNAP Manual on 04/08/2024)
Updated the policy regarding the reception and placement of financial assistance. Linked to Assistance Income Types for policy and procedure. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 04/15/2024)
Clarified budgeting and averaging support income, including recurring lump sum payments. Added that when lump sum payments are recurring and can be anticipated, the income is countable. (Clarified as of 05/13/2024)
Changed title from Matching Grant (MG) Program. Updated the policy and added for clarity. Added Afghani Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and Victims of severe trafficking to MG Program financial and employment related services. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 04/15/2024)
Added clarification for the treatment of income for service members stationed outside of Arizona. (Effective 12/02/2024)
Added Indian General Welfare Benefit income to the excluded income types. (Updated as of 03/25/2024) Added clarification of where to key educational income from BIA educational programs. (Updated as of 08/26/2024)
Removed the OC Frequency Code and replaced it with the AC Frequency Code. (For all Frequency Codes keyed on or after 05/21/2024)
Clarified the school clothing allowance frequency. (Clarified as of 12/09/2024)
Added information for reviewing Schedule K form when reviewing tax returns. Added clarification of what areas of the 1120S form should be reviewed to determine what income should be budgeted. (Updated as of 04/29/2024)
Added clarification for using SOLQI to budget Social Security Benefits when a COLA increase displays for the first day of December. (Clarified as of 01/08/2024)
Added clarification on how to identify supplemental UI benefits. (Effective 01/02/2024) Clarified the due date for the free form Auto Change Tracking System (ACTS) Alert. (Effective 08/26/2024). Added example section and an example of how to determine low UI balance and when to set the free form ACTS alert. (Updated as of 12/23/2024).
Removed the word “tips” from the Verification section and added tips income information under the Procedure section. (Effective 04/22/2024)
Added clarification to the bi-monthly and semi-monthly definitions. (Updated in the CNAP Manual on 04/22/2024) Added clarification to Procedures for determining the number of hours for other types of countable income when the income is not subject to hours or pay rate. (Updated in the CNAP Manual on 06/03/2024)
Removed unneeded verbiage. (Updated as of 05/13/2024)
Added bullets for terminated income as possible situation for using anticipated income procedures. (Clarified as of 07/29/2024)
Received suggestion from the field//Updated incorrect example//changed from pay per hour to hours worked. (Effective 03/18/2024) Updated procedures for averaging hours and budgeting income for budget month and ongoing months. (Clarified as of 04/15/2024)
Updated the policy to clarify the difference between bi-weekly and semi-monthly pay frequencies. Updated the example to help reinforce the correct budgeting procedure. (Clarified as of 04/29/2024)
Removed that bullet that states income is less than a full month income when all regular checks received in a month but a check has hours that are less than normal work hours. (Effective 02/26/2024)
Removed the OC Frequency Code and replaced it with the AC Frequency Code. (For all Frequency Codes keyed on or after 05/21/2024)
Clarified budgeting and annualizing of self-employment income when a tax return is not available. (Clarified as of 01/16/2024) Added clarification that all anticipated income for the budget month should be included when anticipating self-employment income existing for less than one month. (Effective 09/09/2024) Added clarification of how to convert self-employment income when anticipating and averaging self-employment income. Added an example for anticipating income when income is less than one month. (Effective 11/18/2024)
Clarified budgeting and averaging support income. (Clarified as of 05/13/2024)
Removed the OC Frequency Code and replaced it with the AC Frequency Code. (For all Frequency Codes keyed on or after 05/21/2024)