Revision 23 (01-01-13 through 03-31-13) : FAA6 Case Maintenance and Administrative Lists
FAA6 Case Maintenance and Administrative Lists
Revised timeframe for continuing Deemed newborns coverage after the MA case is closed for failed to renew. (Policy Broadcast 12‑26, effective 10/24/12)
Removed the I Need an Interpreter (FA1191) poster and replaced it with the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Binder.
FAA6.K02E – AFIP Requirements - Noncompliance
Combined and reformatted all subjects for noncompliance into one reference for clarity.
FAA6.K02E.01 – AFIP Requirements - Noncompliance - Failure to Comply
Removed entire subject and combined with reference FAA6.K02E.
FAA6.K02E.02 – AFIP Requirements - Noncompliance - Local Office Responsibilities
Removed entire subject and combined with reference FAA6.K02E.