FAA1.C Rights and Responsibilities : 01 Participant Rights : M Right to Request Translation Services
Right to Request Translation Services
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This subject includes information about a participant’s right to free translation services.
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A Translator is Needed
FAA provides bilingual staff, interpreters, or translators to allow for the timely processing of applications for benefits and access to the programs administered by FAA.
A participant can indicate their preferred language by one of the following:
On their application
Presenting the Language Notification Flyer (FAA-1208A) form
Participants can have an adult family member or friend translate for them during an interview. The participant can only have a family member translate for them after FAA offers a translation service when the participant insists on using an adult family member or friend to translate for them.
FAA does not require a participant to do any of the following when an interpreter is not available:
Require the participant to provide an interpreter for themself
Rely on a minor child to interpret, except in emergencies
Rely on other than qualified bilingual staff
American Sign Language (ASL) is Needed
FAA contracts with Deaf Services Unlimited (DSU) to provide a person with hearing-impairment same-day assistance. This service allows FAA to connect with a DSU interpreter using a state-issued laptop, usually within 15 to 20 minutes.
NOTE DSU does not provide in-person interpreting services. DSU cannot provide interpretation services after 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST)
FAA uses in-person sign language interpreter services when a state-issued laptop is unavailable. FAA schedules appointments with in-person sign language interpreters and typically cannot accommodate same-day service.
FAA workers acknowledge applicants and participants with a hearing impairment with gestures such as a nod, wave, etc., to show the person they have the worker’s attention. FAA workers can use any of the following communication methods:
Use gestures to help with communicating.
Use visual aids, such as pointing to printed information on a document.
Communicate by written notes, keeping the messages simple, direct, and in the most unmistakable handwriting possible.
Write a note asking the person what communication aid or service is needed
Interpretation Services
Interpretation agencies need at least five workdays(g) notice before sending an interpreter and requires pre-approval. An interpreter may be provided within one to two workdays for expedited cases.
Translation of Verification is Needed
All documents FAA receives verifying an eligibility factor, written in a language other than English, are translated into English. Translations are completed by FAA staff whenever possible. Verification documents, such as legal documents, do not need to be translated in full. Only information supporting an eligibility factor is translated.
Translation of a Notice is Needed
FAA provides notices in either English or Spanish.
When a participant has indicated they read and speak any language other than English or Spanish, FAA sends notices in English to the participant with the Language Notification Flyer (FAA-1208A). The Flyer states in multiple languages that the participant can call the Customer Support Center at (855) 432 7587 to hear the notice translated into their language.
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last revised 04/22/2024