Delete Case (DECA) Procedures
The DECA screen is accessed through the NEXT function and can only be used by authorized staff. The information on this screen cannot be changed, but registered programs or the entire case may be deleted. (See
Receipt of Additional Application and
Administrative Corrections)
The AZTECS screen DECA is used to complete any of the following:
●Delete a specific program from a case.
NOTE A program cannot be deleted when benefits have paid.
●Delete a case from AZTECS.
Delete a Program
To delete a specific program from a case, the program must be highlighted on the DECA screen. When the program is highlighted it indicates benefits have not paid. Remove any income, resource or expense information from the case before using this function. Complete all of the following to delete the program:
●Key the word DELETE under the information for the program that is to be deleted.
●Press Enter. The program is now deleted.
Delete a Case
When the case is deleted, all of the following information related to the case number is deleted:
●Address information
●Case information
●Eligibility information
●Alert information
●Notice request and notice information
●Information linking participants originally registered to the case
A highlighted message TYPE IN THE WORD ALL TO DELETE THE CASE displays on the DECA screen when the case can be deleted. To delete the case, enter the word ALL and press Enter.
When documents are imaged in
OnBase(g) for the deleted case, see
Centralized Document Services (CDS) to move the documents to the correct case number.
Program involvements may overlap in a given month. When this occurs, information for the most recent application replaces information for the previous application in the overlapping month.
Information that is replaced includes all of the following:
●Eligibility factors
●Case name
●EXPEDITED indicator
●Designated specified relative