Routing the FAA-0529A for FAA or Non-IPV Budgetary Unit Errors
(01/01/18 - 12/31/18)
Send one copy of the Report of CA/NA Overpayment (FAA-0529A) form to the Office of Accounts Receivable and Collections (OARC) for overpayments caused by either of the following:
Send the following to the OSI address, via interoffice mail to the attention of the Chief, when OSI is indicated as a Discovery Source (item 15, page one of the FAA-0529A form):
The Potential Overpayment (OP) Referral (FAA-0526A) form
The FAA-0529A form
NOTE Do not send any supporting documents.
Upload into OnBase the original overpayment and all supporting documents (including the FAA-0001A)