FAA6.E Overpayments : 03 Overpayment Unit Overpayment Responsibilities - Overview : F NA Overpayment Compromise – Overview : .17 NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Decision - Approval
NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Decision - Approval
(01/01/20 - 12/31/20)
When the NUTRITION ASSISTANCE OVERPAYMENT OFFER OF COMPROMISE agreement is received, OPU notifies OARC and the NA overpayment compromise is put into effect. The following apply:
The approval of the overpayment compromise becomes invalid when an appeal dismisses, reverses or remands the overpayment that is currently approved for compromise.
The approval of the overpayment compromise becomes invalid when the person responsible for the overpayment has been found guilty of an Intentional Program Violation and/or fraud related to the overpayment.