General Information – FNS Reporting
FAA Systems and FAA Policy Support work together to send the following reports to FNS during and following the DNAP Period:
Daily Reporting
Data should be submitted by county and reports must contain all of the following:
Number of new households approved
Number of ongoing households receiving supplements
Number of new persons approved
Number of ongoing persons approved for supplements
Number of new households denied
Value of new benefits approved
Value of supplements approved
Average benefit per new household
Average benefit per ongoing household
NOTE Begin submitting reports to FNS on the day following the first day of DNAP period and continue each day until all applications are processed. Reports must be submitted each day, even if no or very few applications have been submitted.
FNS-292B Report (within 45 days of the termination of the DNAP Period)
The FNS-292B must contain the following issuance data for DNAP operations (D-SNAP on the report):
Number of Households – new households issued DNAP benefits
Total Number of Persons Assisted - new persons issued DNAP benefits
Number of Certified Persons - ongoing households issued supplements
Value of Benefits Issued - total of benefits issued to new households and supplements issued to ongoing households.
The Monthly Issuance Report (FNS-388) must include detailed issuance and participation figures for new DNAP households and ongoing NA households receiving disaster supplements and replacement benefits.
The Status of Claims Against Households Report (FNS-209)
The number of claims established and collected against DNAP benefits must be included:
In the remarks section
As newly established claims (line 4)
In the collection summary (lines 14, 16 and 18(a)).
NOTE DNAP claims must be identified on backup documentation in accounting systems for the FNS-209.
The Issuance Reconciliation Report (FNS-46) must include detailed issuance and participation figures for new DNAP households and ongoing NA households receiving disaster supplements and replacements.
NOTE The FNS-46 and FNS-388 should reconcile with the reported Net Issuance.
The Post-Disaster Review Report (no later than 6 months after the close of DNAP program operations)
This post-disaster review report is comprised of the following four parts:
Comprehensive review
Individual reviews
Problem analysis
Proposed improvements