Jobs Noncompliance
(01/01/22 – 12/31/22)
When a CA participant is noncompliant with Jobs, the Jobs Program staff is responsible for completing all of the following:
Determining whether the noncompliant participant is exempt from Jobs participation.
Determining whether the noncompliant participant has good cause for the noncompliance.
Assisting the participant in obtaining verification of good cause for noncompliance when any of the following occurs:
Assistance is requested, including barriers.
Verification was provided to another DES agency.
Determining whether a CA sanction is appropriate.
Sending the CA Sanction 50% - JOBS (A792) notice allowing for NOAA. The notice informs the the PI that their benefits are being reduced or stopped.
Notifying FAA via DES Interface and the JB/Client Failed to Comply ACTS Alert by the tenth day of the current sanction month of another instance of noncompliance.
NOTE The Jobs system transmits information to FAA via the JB ACTS alert after the current sanction notice ten day due date expires.
FAA takes action to impose the graduated sanction policy within three workdays(g) from the date they receive the ACTS alert.