CA Work Programs
Job Opportunity and Basic Skills (Jobs) Program is the CA work program in Arizona. Jobs encourages and helps families obtain employment. Parents are expected to accept responsibility for the support of their children by preparing for, accepting, and retaining employment.
All of the following are required to participate in the Jobs Program unless exempt:
●All CA participants
●CA participants disqualified due to being a fleeing felon
●CA participants disqualified due to a felony drug conviction
The following are Jobs Programs that serve CA participants:
●Jobs BASIC. Referred to as Jobs Program, this program serves all CA participants except those served by any of the other Jobs programs listed.
●TPEP Jobs. The Two Parent Employment Program (TPEP) serves two-parent budgetary units in which the primary wage earning parent (PWE) is unemployed or underemployed.
TPEP services are time limited and are provided on a state-wide basis. To locate the participant’s closest TPEP Work Program Provider office, see
TPEP/Jobs Program Contact Information.
●Tribal NEW. Several Arizona Indian tribes each operate their own work program, Native Employment Works (NEW). Each Tribal NEW office serves all of the CA eligible Native American Indians living within the geographical area specified by the tribe as its work program area. Each Tribal NEW office serves participants, regardless of the participant's tribal affiliation. (For areas served, see
Service Delivery Area)