Qualified noncitizens who are sponsored by an agency or organization are ineligible for CA. (See Agency Sponsor's Resources for EXCEPTION)
Sponsored qualified noncitizens who do not meet the 40 quarters requirement or the military connection, are ineligible for NA. Code the participation code DI in the PT field on SEPA.
The sponsor's resources are not countable when any of the following occur:
●When the sponsor is receiving SSI or CA.
NOTE When the sponsor's spouse is not receiving SSI or CA, the sponsor's spouse's resources are COUNTABLE.
●The sponsored noncitizen has 40 qualifying quarters of earnings.
●The sponsored noncitizen budgetary unit is indigent. (See Indigent Sponsored Noncitizen)
●The sponsored noncitizen budgetary unit includes a participant who is battered. (See Battered Sponsored Noncitizen)
●The sponsor becomes deceased.
●The qualified noncitizen is sponsored by an organization or group rather than an individual. (See Agency Sponsor Resources)
●The qualified noncitizen is part of their sponsor's benefit determination or is receiving benefits with their sponsor.
●The Qualified noncitizen is not included for participation in the CA or NA program.