Revision 03 (01-01-08 through 03-31-08) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5.A04D.06 – Referred Hopi
Removed subject since the policy was moved to FAA6.J04E.03 Hopi Tribal TANF-Employment Referrals. (Policy Broadcast 07-40, effective 11/01/07)
FAA5.B04B.07 – Medicare Part A
Added policy regarding Medicare Part D (Policy Broadcast 07-38, effective 10/19/07)
FAA5.B04B.08 – Medicare Part B
Added policy regarding Medicare Part D (Policy Broadcast 07-38, effective 10/19/07)
FAA5.B04B.09 – Medicare Part D
Added policy regarding Medicare Part D (Policy Broadcast 07-38, effective 10/19/07)
FAA5.C04 – CA Earned Income Deductions - Overview
Budgeting procedures when a change in earned income is reported untimely were clarified. (Reference changed from FAA5.E04)
FAA5.D05 – Grant Diversion - Overview
A paragraph about the TSC contact and the purpose of GD was added. (Reference changed from FAA5.F05)(Policy Broadcast 07-33, effective 10/01/07)
FAA5.D05A – Grant Diversion Eligibility Determination
Requirements were removed limiting Grant Diversion to participants with barriers to full time employment and the likelihood of immediate employment. (Policy Broadcast 07-32, effective 09/19/07) A lead in paragraph to clarify that TPEP budgetary units can receive Grant Diversion was added. Removed all policy relating to NEED removed any reference to CA Grant Diversion. (Policy Broadcast 07-33, effective 10/01/07)(Reference changed from FAA5.F05A)
FAA5.D05B – Grant Diversion Process
Process changed to include TANF Service Coordinator responsibilities. (Reference changed from FAA5.F05B) (Policy Broadcast 07-33, effective 10/01/07)
FAA5.D05B.01 – Grant Diversion Process – TSC Stationed in Local Office
Added new subject to include the process which changed to include TANF Service Coordinator responsibilities. (Policy Broadcast 07-33, effective 10/01/07)
FAA5.D05B.02 – Grant Diversion Process – TSC Not Stationed in Local Office
Added new subject to include the process which changed to include TANF Service Coordinator responsibilities. (Policy Broadcast 07-33, effective 10/01/07)
FAA5.D05C – Grant Diversion Keying Procedures
Added new reference for AZTECS keying procedures. (Policy Broadcast 07-33, effective 10/01/07)
FAA5.D05D – Grant Diversion Changes
The name changed from CA Grant Diversion to Grant Diversion. (Reference changed from FAA5.F05C) (Policy Broadcast 07-33, effective 10/01/07)
FAA5.D10 – CA Ineligible Date - Overview
The policy was clarified whether to allow earned income deductions when a change is reported untimely.(Reference changed from FAA5.F10)
FAA5.E04 – Food Stamp Categorical Eligibility - Overview
The income limit for Expanded Categorical Eligibility changed from 130% to 185% of the current FPL. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04)(Policy Broadcast 07-28, effective 05/01/07)
FAA5.E04B – Expanded Categorical Eligibility
The income limit for Expanded Categorical Eligibility changed from 130% to 185% of the current FPL. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04B)(Policy Broadcast 07-28, effective 05/01/07)
FAA5.E04D – Categorical Eligibility Benefit Calculation
The income limit for Expanded Categorical Eligibility changed from 130% to 185% of the current FPL. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04D)(Policy Broadcast 07-28, effective 05/01/07)
FAA5.E04G – Changes in Food Stamp Categorical Eligibility
Changed the income limit for Expanded Categorical Eligibility from 130% to 185% of the current FPL. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04G)(Policy Broadcast 07-28, effective 05/01/07)
The NOTE regarding Medicare Approved Drug Discount Card was removed since Medicare phased out the discount card. (Policy Broadcast 07-38, effective 10/19/07)