Revision 14 (10-01-10 through 12-31-10) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
Added a new bullet to the EXCEPTION and a link to CA Jobs Exemptions. (Policy Broadcast 10‑15, effective 06/08/10)
Removed any reference to transmitting Grant Diversion information to Jobs.
Added subject for new Jobs Program exemption reason code explanation. (Policy Broadcast 10‑15, effective 06/08/10)
FAA5.D06 – CA Needy Family Test
Added subject for CA Needy Family Test. (Policy Broadcast 10‑14, effective 07/01/10)
FAA5.F05 – Grant Diversion - Overview
Added that the participant is exempt from signing the Personal Responsibility Agreement (PRA) when eligible for Grant Diversion. (Policy Broadcast 10‑16, effective 07/01/10)
FAA5.F05B – Grant Diversion (GD) Process
Added that the participant MUST sign the PRA when not eligible for Grant Diversion. (Policy Broadcast 10‑16, effective 07/01/10) Revised procedure to key screens according to Grant Diversion first to avoid a referral to Maximus or Arbor. Added direction to key the case as regular CA when Grant Diversion is not an option.
FAA5.F05C – Grant Diversion Keying Procedures
Clarified that the payment standard for Grant Diversion is according to the circumstances at the time of determination.