Revision 31 (08-01-14 through 09-30-14) : FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2A.F04A – Residential Address
Restricted Residential address to actual address or the phrase ‘see mailing’ when homeless.
FAA2A.F04B – Mailing Address
Added General Delivery instructions for homeless participants.
FAA2.F07 – Keying ADDR
Clarified how to key a homeless participant’s address. Added that homeless participants that do not have a mailing address must have their mail sent to General Delivery Service through the United States Postal Service. Explained how to key General Delivery on ADDR.. (Policy Change Alert 14-12F, effective 05/05/14) Separated into multiple references due to length.
Added new subject because FAA2.F07 was separated into multiple references due to length.
FAA2.F07B – Keying Addresses on ADDR
Added new subject because FAA2.F07 was separated into multiple references due to length.
Added new subject because FAA2.F07 was separated into multiple references due to length.
FAA2.F07D – Keying General Delivery Service on ADDR
Added new subject because FAA2.F07 was separated into multiple references due to length.
FAA2.L11 – Health-e-Arizona Plus Referrals
Renamed the One-e-App Health-e-Arizona Referrals because it is no longer valid since we have moved to Health-e-Arizona Plus (HEAplus). Removed all procedures because they are obsolete. This manual will be replaced with the Eligibility Policy Plus Procedures Manual.
FAA2.M06E.06 – Homeless Receiving Notices
Clarified not to key the word homeless on ADDR in AZTECS. (Policy Change Alert 14-12F, effective 05/05/14) Restructured for clarity.
FAA2.O04D.02 – Requesting Birth or Death Verification from another State
Changed who is to receive mailed birth certificates.