Revision 40 (02-01-16 through 03-31-16) : FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2.A01A – Documented Verification
Added an EXCEPTION that the use of a participant statement is allowable when the attempt to obtain other means of verification may cause harm or undue hardship for the participant.
FAA2.A01B – Collateral Contact Verification
Added an EXCEPTION that the use of a participant statement is allowable when the attempt to obtain other means of verification may cause harm or undue hardship for the participant.
FAA2.A01C – Participant Statement Verification
Added an EXCEPTION that the use of a participant statement is allowable when the attempt to obtain other means of verification may cause harm or undue hardship for the participant.
FAA2.A07 – Requesting Verification
Added an EXCEPTION that the use of a participant statement is allowable when the attempt to obtain other means of verification may cause harm or undue hardship for the participant.