Revision 41 (04-01-16 through 05-31-16) : FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2.F05A – Change of Address - Site Code Remains the Same
Removed WARNING to not send C008. (Policy Change Alert 15‑011F, effective 12/22/15)
FAA2.F06 – Returned Mail Procedures for NA and CA
Clarify the requirement to follow change of address procedures. (Policy Change Alert 15‑011F, effective 12/22/15)
FAA2.P10A – ABAWD - Work Requirements
Clarified work requirements and added additional keying instructions when work includes volunteer work and good cause. (Policy Change Alert 16‑009F, effective 03/02/16)
FAA2.P10A.01 – ABAWD – Work Requirement Good Cause Exception
Added subject for direction on ABAWD Work Requirement good cause. (Policy Change Alert 16‑009F, effective 03/02/16)
FAA2.P10B – ABAWD – Exemptions
Changed homelessness to chronic homelessness and added a link to the receipt of SSI exemption. (Policy Change Alert 16‑004F, effective 01/15/16)
FAA2.P10B.03 – Mentally or Physically Unfit for Work Exemption
Re-wrote policy to better clarify unfitness for work. Re-defined verification sources and clarified length of time unfitness may last. (Policy Change Alert 16‑004F, effective 01/15/16)
FAA2.P10F – ABAWD Reporting Requirements
Added subject for ABAWD reporting requirements. (Policy Change Alert 16‑008F, effective 02/10/16)