Revision 16 (04-01-11 through 06-30-11) : FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
Added a link for Indian gaming disbursements.
Added a NOTE to the MA EXCEPTION about a disclaimer.
FAA4.G04E.01 - NA Student Eligibility-Employment
Added Note regarding NA in-kind income is not considered when determining student eligibility.
FAA4.H04EE.11 - Trust Fund Distribution Payments
Added an EXCEPTION that Indian Gaming Industry per capita disbursement payments are countable.
FAA4.H04EE.14 – Indian Gaming Industry Per Capita Disbursements
Added a NOTE to the MA EXCEPTION about a disclaimer.
FAA4.H04III - Unemployment Insurance (UI)
The Federal Additional Compensation (FAC) income policy is removed. FAC payments are no longer issued. (Policy Broadcast 11‑03, effective 01/12/11)
FAA4.H04O.01 - Countable Support – CA or MA
Revised that child support payments issued through DCSE counts for CA when determining eligibility for GD and move MA exception up one bullet. (Policy Broadcast 10-26, effective 12/01/10)
FAA4.H04O.02 - Not Countable Support - CA or MA
Deleted CA exception and revised that child support does not counts for eligible Grant Diversion participants. (Policy Broadcast 10-26, effective 12/01/10)
FAA4.H06 – Budgeting Child, Medical, and Spousal Support
Removed policy regarding the need to review an additional three months of support arrearages when arrearages show on CHSP. Added a link to Lump Sum
FAA4.I03A - Census Income
Removed entire subject because all Census Bureau income is now COUNTABLE as earned income called wages. (Policy Broadcast 11‑05, effective 01/01/11)
FAA4.L04B.02 - NA Dependent Care
Added registration fees as an NA dependent care allowable expense. (Policy Broadcast 10‑27, effective 01/01/11)
FAA4.L04B.03 - NA Dependent Care Transportation Standard
Revised policy, AZTECS calculates the amount of the NA Dependent Care Transportation Standard when the participant incurs a transportation expense. (Policy Broadcast 10‑27, effective 01/01/11)
FAA4.L04B.06 - Keying Dependent Care Expenses
Revised Instructions for keying dependent care expenses. (Policy Broadcast 10‑27, effective 01/01/11)