Revision 38 (10-01-15 through 11-30-15) : FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4.G05B.04 - American Indian Education Funds
Revised section for clarity.
FAA4.H06 - Budgeting Child, Medical, and Spousal Support
Revised for clarity. Also, added that DCSS has the legal authority to add arrears payments to a court order.
FAA4.J06C - Anticipating Self Employment
Added a note identifying when to exclude self employment income.
FAA4.L04A.01 - Court-ordered Child Support Expenses - NA
Clarified that arrearages imposed by DCSS are considered court ordered and should be budgeted when recurring.
FAA4.L07G - Medical Supplies
Added the cost of medical supplies is an allowable deduction. (Policy Change Alert 15‑030F, effective 09/01/15)
FAA4.L12D - Budgeting Child Support Expenses
Clarified what a pay history means and when a support expense is to be budgeted. Added that DCSS has the legal authority to add an arrears payment to a court order.