Revision 08 (04-01-09 through 06-30-09) : FAA3 Deprivation and Absent Parent Information
FAA3 Deprivation and Absent Parent Information
Removed Adoption Subsidy Maintenance payments from list of reasons an adult only case may exist. (Policy Broadcast 09‑03, effective 01/22/09)
Removed Adoption Subsidy Maintenance from list. (Policy Broadcast 09‑03, effective 01/22/09)
Clarified when a dependent care deduction is not allowed. (Policy Broadcast 09‑03, effective 01/22/09)
Added that TPEP applications must be processed as potential Grant Diversion applications when eligible for at least one dollar (Policy Broadcast 08‑61, effective 01/01/09)
Removed reference to PASS and added AutoCAR