Revision 10 (10-01-09 through 12-31-09) : FAA6 Case Maintenance and Administrative Lists
FAA6 Case Maintenance and Administrative Lists
FAA6.B02F.01 – Authorizing the Grant Diversion Payment
Added information about the 20% CA payment reduction. (Policy Broadcast 09‑26, effective 08/03/09)
Changed first bullet from prospectively eligible to not prospectively eligible.
Removed that when the eligibility decision is incorrect, the case is returned to the local office for corrections. Added to assign a change using the FD ACTS Alert Type Code. (Policy Broadcast 09‑21, effective 07/01/09)
Removed to assign a change using the OT ACTS Change Type Code. (Policy Broadcast 09‑21, effective 07/01/09)
Removed to assign a change using the OT ACTS Change Type Code. (Policy Broadcast 09‑21, effective 07/01/09)
Removed to assign a change using the OT ACTS Change Type Code. (Policy Broadcast 09‑21, effective 07/01/09)
FAA6.J08N – Sanctions - WMAT
Removed EXCEPTION on ‘intent to comply’. (Policy Broadcast 09‑20, effective 06/10/09)
FAA6.J09E.06 – Sanctions - San Carlos Apache Tribe TANF
Removed EXCEPTION on ‘intent to comply’. (Policy Broadcast 09‑20, effective 06/10/09)