State Assistance Benefit Selection - Types of Changes - Receipt of RSDI or SSI
When a participant reports receipt of SSI income, they become ineligible for State Assistance.
When a participant reports receipt of Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) benefits, decrease or stop benefits the first month possible allowing for
Many times participants are eligible for RSDI or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, but do not receive a payment because SSA requires them to have a representative payee.
The Aging and Adult Administration (A&AA) contract with providers to act as representative payees for these participants. In these situations, the following applies:
A participant may be approved for RSDI or SSI benefits with an A&AA provider as a representative payee. In this situation, A&AA forwards a copy of the award letter from SSA to the local office.
When the award letter states that the participant is approved for SSI, see
Receipt of SSI.
When the award letter states that the participant is approved for RSDI benefits and not SSI, decrease benefits. (See
Effecting Changes)