FAA6.F Administrative : 04 Quality Control (QC) - Overview : C Region QC-100 Responsibilities - Overview : .04 Region QC-100 Responsibilities - QC Cooperation for NA
Region QC-100 Responsibilities - QC Cooperation for NA
(01/01/22 - 12/31/22)
Cooperation from the budgetary unit is required to complete the Quality Control (QC) review process. When a notification is received from the Office of Program Evaluation (OPE) that the budgetary unit has cooperated with the QC review process, document the case file(g).
OPE may request assistance from the Family Assistance Administration (FAA) office to complete the QC case review process. The FAA office must assist OPE, regardless of the budgetary unit’s change reporting requirements.
The FAA office must complete the following:
Send the notice listed in the assistance request, advising the budgetary unit to contact OPE
Include the name of the reviewer and the OPE telephone number, in the notice
Document the case file that cooperation with the QC review process is needed
OPE notifies the FAA office by email and issues a QC-100 when the budgetary unit does not cooperate. The budgetary unit is not cooperating with OPE when either of the following occurs:
Fails to cooperate – When the budgetary unit is unaware that QC is attempting to contact them or a third party to complete a QC review of their case.
Refuses to cooperate – When the budgetary unit is aware that QC is attempting to complete a review of their case but refuses to provide the necessary verification to complete a QC review of their case.
When notification is received from OPE that the budgetary unit fails to cooperate with the QC review, the worker must complete the following:
Document the case file with the QC failure to cooperate.
Key Q3 in the FS PROGRAM ALERT type field on PRAP. (See Mandatory Alerts)
At the next interview, inform the participant that they must cooperate with QC and document the case file that the participant was verbally informed.
Request the budgetary unit to contact OPE using an AZTECS request notice or the Information Request and Pending Information Agreement (FAA-0077A) form.
When the NA case is closed, document the case file that the budgetary unit must cooperate with the QC review before NA can be approved. No notice is required.
NOTE When the budgetary unit refuses to contact QC after being informed they must cooperate due to failing to cooperate, change the Q3 code on PRAP to the QC code.
When notification is received from OPE that the budgetary unit refuses to cooperate with the QC review, the worker must complete the following:
Document the case file with the QC refusal to cooperate.
Key QC in the FS PROGRAM ALERT type field on PRAP. (See Mandatory Alerts)
Stop NA, allowing for NOAA and send the F217 notice. The notice advises the budgetary unit that when they reapply for NA, they must cooperate with the QC review before NA can be approved.
When the NA case is closed, document the case file that the budgetary unit must cooperate with the QC review before NA can be approved. No notice is required.
When it is not clear that the budgetary unit has cooperated, contact OPE before taking any action on the case. When confirmation is received that the budgetary unit has cooperated, do not stop the benefits.
When the budgetary unit contacts FAA and agrees to cooperate, give them the phone number to contact OPE. OPE notifies the FAA office and sends the QC 100 when the budgetary unit cooperates. Do not authorize the benefits until an email is received from OPE that the budgetary unit has cooperated with the QC review.
NOTE When the budgetary unit cooperates with QC, FAA workers with an AZTECS profile of Supervisor, Local Office Manager, or Program Administrator must remove the QC or Q3 code on PRAP. When assistance is needed to remove either code, contact the FAA Systems Help Desk.
When the budgetary unit cooperates with OPE before the effective date of closure, reopen NA.
When the budgetary unit cooperates with OPE after the effective date of closure, REPT the case when all of the following requirements are met:
The budgetary unit cooperated within 30 days of case closure
The budgetary unit has at least one full month remaining in the approval period following the date of compliance
The budgetary unit is eligible for benefits during the reinstatement month and the remaining months of the approval period
The participant must reapply when all of the above requirements are not met.
When the case is reopened, use the NAWA REPT Reason Code. AZTECS prorates the benefits for the first month benefits are continued.