Region QC-100 Responsibilities - QC-100 Case Action
(01/01/19 - 12/31/19)
When a QC-100 requires an action, the Office of Program Evaluation (OPE) sends the QC-100 Turn Around Document (TAD) to the designated staff. The designated staff must review the case file, the QC-100 including any attachments, and completes one of the following:
Issues supplemental benefits
Completes an overpayment referral
The designated staff must document the case file(g) with the action and return the QC-100 TAD no later than the due date indicated on the TAD.
When the action required involves an overpayment, the time frames for completing the overpayment are as follows:
The Potential Overpayment (OP) Referral (FAA‑0526A) form must be completed and sent to the designated OP writer within five workdays(g), as these are priority overpayments.
The designated OP writer must complete and send the Report of CA/NA Overpayment (FAA‑0529A) form to the Office of Accounts Receivable and Collections (OARC) within ten workdays from the date the FAA‑0526A was completed.
When the action required involves issuance of a supplemental payment, see Authorizing Supplemental Payment.
When fraud is indicated, refer the case to the Office of Special Investigations (OSI). (See OSI/AOIG - Potential Fraud Referral Requirements)
Give the QC‑100 to the Supervisor to review and approve the necessary actions.