FAA6.F Administrative : 04 Quality Control (QC) - Overview : B QC Review Process - OPE Responsibilities : .04 Quality Control (QC) Review - QC-100 OPE Responsibilities
Quality Control (QC) Review - QC-100 OPE Responsibilities
(01/01/19 - 12/31/19)
The QC-100 is a tool used by the Office of Program Evaluation (OPE) to communicate with FAA the outcome of the QC review. The QC-100 is issued when:
A Nutrition Assistance Active (NAA) error or an invalid Case and Procedural Error Rate (CAPER) error is cited
Additional Information is identified.
An Additional Information QC-100 is the tool QC uses to report information to the agency. The following are types of Additional Information QC-100s:
Information is discovered that could affect benefit months other than the review month
Correct reviews when there is an overpayment
Correct reviews when there is an underpayment caused by the agency for misapplication of policy at the time of the determination
Untimely processing of applications
QC was unable to complete the review when the budgetary unit failed or refused to cooperate with the QC review
Once the review has been transmitted to the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), OPE notifies FAA by sending an email to FAA’s designated staff. The email contains a link to the location of the QC-100.
When additional information and verification is obtained through the QC review, and is sent to the FAA office, complete the following:
Review the case file(g).
Redetermine eligibility and current benefit level.
Determine whether any of the following have changed: