NA Overpayment Compromise – NA Compromise
(01/01/20 - 12/31/20)
When an overpayment is based on Agency Error or Inadvertent Household Error the person may request to compromise the overpayment.
When an overpayment is compromised, the reduced overpayment amount is final unless one of the following occurs:
The person responsible for payment becomes delinquent
The person responsible for payment is found guilty of an Intentional Program Violation (IPV) or is convicted with fraud related to the overpayment.
When the compromised claim becomes delinquent, an IPV is affirmed or a fraud conviction related to the overpayment occurs, the Department shall reinstate the compromised portion of the claim.
All questions regarding the determination of the overpayment compromise are to be made to the DBME Overpayment Unit.
All questions regarding payments of the overpayment compromise are to be made to the Office of Accounts Receivable (OARC).