FAA6.E Overpayments : 03 Overpayment Unit Overpayment Responsibilities - Overview : F NA Overpayment Compromise – Overview : .11 NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Compromise Food Expense Deduction
NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Compromise Food Expense Deduction
(01/01/20 - 12/31/20)
The amount of the Compromise Food Expense deduction is determined based on the current Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) amount for the compromise household size. Consider the following:
When the compromise household is not currently receiving NA benefits, use the full TFP amount for the compromise household size.
When the compromise household is currently receiving NA benefits, subtract the most recent NA allotment from the TFP amount for the OP compromise household size, to equal the food expense deduction.