FAA6.E Overpayments : 03 Overpayment Unit Overpayment Responsibilities - Overview : F NA Overpayment Compromise – Overview : .07 NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Countable Monthly Income
NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Countable Monthly Income
(01/01/20 - 12/31/20)
When the person is identified as a Group 2 compromise household the countable compromise monthly income for the last calendar month cannot exceed 200% of the current Federal Poverty Level (FPL). To determine the countable compromise monthly income, complete the calculation as follows:
Add all sources of gross monthly unearned income
Add all sources of gross monthly earned and self-employment income
NOTE Subtract a 20% deduction from the total monthly earned and self-employment income to determine the adjusted earned income.
Add the total unearned income to the adjusted earned income
When the Group 2 household's countable compromise monthly income for the last calendar month does not exceed 200% of the current FPL, the compromise determination is continued to determine the potential eligibility for an NA overpayment compromise.
When the Group 2 household's countable compromise monthly income for the last calendar month exceeds 200% of the current FPL, the request for NA compromise is denied.