FAA6.E Overpayments : 03 Overpayment Unit Overpayment Responsibilities - Overview : F NA Overpayment Compromise – Overview : .16 NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Decision - Eligible
NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Decision - Eligible
(01/01/20 - 12/31/20)
When the person requesting the compromise is eligible for a compromise, a NUTRITION ASSISTANCE OVERPAYMENT OFFER OF COMPROMISE agreement is sent to the person who requested the compromise.
The person must sign, date and return the signed NUTRITION ASSISTANCE OVERPAYMENT OFFER OF COMPROMISE agreement to OPU, within 30 calendar days confirming they accept the amount of the compromise and the monthly payments.
When the person requesting the compromise is receiving benefits, the NUTRITION ASSISTANCE OVERPAYMENT OFFER OF COMPROMISE agreement informs the participant of the amount of benefits to be withheld each month. The amount is based on the current amount of benefits the participant is approved to receive and is determined as follows:
The Department withholds 10% of the monthly NA benefits or $10.00, whichever is greater
A minimum deduction of $10.00 is withheld
NOTE When the benefit approval amount changes, the withholding amount may change without notice
When benefits terminate during the compromise, the remaining balance will be required to be paid as follows:
The remaining balance will be divided by 36 months
A minimum payment of $10.00 is required
NOTE When the remaining balance is under $360.00, the 36-month timeframe will be adjusted accordingly.
When the person requesting the compromise is not receiving benefits, the NUTRITION ASSISTANCE OVERPAYMENT OFFER OF COMPROMISE agreement informs the person of the monthly payment for a 36-month term.
NOTE The minimum monthly payment is $10.00. When the remaining balance is under $360.00, the 36-month timeframe is adjusted accordingly.
The current overpayment amount remains in effect until a signed NUTRITION ASSISTANCE OVERPAYMENT OFFER OF COMPROMISE agreement is returned to OPU.