FAA4.D Other Assets (OTAS) : 03 Other Asset Types : D Homestead : .01 Homestead Qualifications
Homestead Qualifications
When the participant claims an unoccupied property as a homestead, the following apply:
For CA, property can be claimed as a homestead when the participants are not living there for one of the following reasons:
A licensed physician has determined that the participant cannot remain in the home because of health reasons.
Local officials, such as fire, police or health department, have declared the home unsafe, unhealthy or otherwise unlivable.
The participant's separated or divorced spouse(g) is co‑owner of the property and still resides there.
For NA, property can be claimed as a homestead when the participants are not living there for one of the following reasons:
Employment, or training for future employment.
During periods of unemployment, this could be due to seasonal employment.
Illness or injury.
NOTE The illness does not have to be limited to the homeowner. When the PI can provide proof through a doctor's statement that they are needed outside the home to care for an ill relative, consider the property a homestead.
Unlivable conditions caused by damage or natural disaster.
Owned by a migrant worker or other participant who must travel considerably in their occupation. The participant must intend to return, and not own another home.
Accept the participant's statement as verification unless inconsistent with other information.
The participant's separated or divorced spouse may be the co‑owner of the property and still reside there. When this occurs, count the property as a resource, unless it is not available. (See Joint Ownership)