LIBL/STBL Hardship Extension Eligibility – Caretaker Verification
(10/01/16 - 11/30/16)
When a hardship extension request is based on the adult participant being needed as a full time caretaker of their disabled minor or adult child, parent, spouse(g), or domestic partner(g), verification of the need must be provided.
Verification that the adult participant is required to be a full-time caretaker of the caretaker's disabled child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner, includes the following:
A statement from a treatment provider indicating the adult participant is needed as a full-time caretaker of their disabled child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner.
When the budgetary unit receives respite care(g), verification from the respite care provider is required. The verification must indicate the number of hours per week that the budgetary unit receives services.
When the disabled individual is attending school, verification of the number of hours per week they are in attendance is required from the school or vocational rehabilitation program.
NOTE A statement from the caretaker may be used when verification from respite care and the school or vocational rehabilitation is unavailable. The statement must indicate all of the following:
That they care for their disabled child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner.
The number of hours of respite care that they receive per week.
The number of hours per week that the disabled individual attends school or a vocational rehabilitation program.
Review the facts when the participant states that the disabled individual either receives more than 20 hours a week of respite care or attends school or vocational rehabilitation for more than 20 hours a week. Determine whether the circumstances prevent the participant from working or engaging in work activities.
NOTE Verification of disability must be originated no more than 12 months prior to the hardship extension request.