Revision 09 (07-01-09 through 09-30-09) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
Removed reference to ABAWD as ABAWD policy no longer applies. (Policy Broadcast 09‑10, effective benefit month 04/09)
Removed the EXCEPTION with special E&T referral procedures for ABAWD participants as ABAWD policy no longer applies. (Policy Broadcast 09‑10, effective benefit month 04/09)
FAA5.C03 – CA Need Standard Net Income Test - Overview
Added a link to the Digital Library to access the FAA-200-A and B, and removed the information regarding the Public Folders. (Reference changed from FAA5.E03)
FAA5.E04A – Basic Categorical Eligibility
Removed the General Assistance (GA) program since it was cancelled effective 05/01/09. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04A)(Policy Broadcast 09‑15, effective 05/01/09)
FAA5.E04F – Categorical Eligibility Verification And Documentation
Removed the General Assistance (GA) program since it was cancelled effective 05/01/09. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04F) (Policy Broadcast 09‑15, effective 05/01/09)
FAA5.E04G – Changes in Nutrition Assistance Categorical Eligibility
Removed the General Assistance (GA) program since it was cancelled effective 05/01/09. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04G)(Policy Broadcast 09‑15, effective 05/01/09)
FAA5.E05B – Assigning Nutrition Assistance Approval Periods
Removed the requirement in policy for ABAWD budgetary units to be assigned a short approval period. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q05B)(Policy Broadcast 09‑10, effective benefit month 04/09)
FAA5.E06A – TBA Eligibility
Revised to indicate the participant may be eligible for TBA without submitting an NA renewal application. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q06A)(Policy Broadcast 09-11, effective 04/01/09)
FAA5.E06B – TBA Transition Process
Revised TBA transition policy. When eligible the participant may transition to TBA without an NA renewal application. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q06B)(Policy Broadcast 09-11, effective 04/01/09)
Changed the Case Renewal Date to 12 months for AHCCCS Care. (Policy Broadcast 09‑16, effective 05/04/09)
FAA5.I02 – Items to Inform the Participant - Overview
Removed reference to the ABAWD time limits, ABAWD policy no longer applies. (Reference changed from FAA5.Y02) (Policy Broadcast 09‑10, effective benefit month 04/09)
FAA5.I03 – Items to Review with the Participant – Overview
Removed the link to the ABAWD PRA, ABAWD policy no longer applies. (Reference FAA5.Y03)(Policy Broadcast 09‑10, effective benefit month 04/09)