Revision 19 (01-01-12 through 03-31-12) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5.D05 - Grant Diversion - Overview
All reference was removed that Grant Diversion (GD) can be received every four months. It was added that the budgetary unit can receive GD only once in a 12 month period. The likelihood of employment requirements was added. (Reference changed from FAA5.F05) (Policy Broadcast 11‑46, effective 12/01/11)
FAA5.D05A - Grant Diversion Eligibility Requirements
All reference was removed that Grant Diversion (GD) can be received every four months. It was added that the budgetary unit can receive GD only once in a 12 month period. The likelihood of employment requirements was added. (Reference changed from FAA5.F05A)(Policy Broadcast 11‑46, effective 12/01/11)
FAA5.D05B - Grant Diversion (GD) Process
Revised for grammar and added information on employability assessment. (Reference changed from FAA5.F05B)(Policy Broadcast 11‑46, effective 12/01/11)
FAA5.D05C - Grant Diversion Keying Procedures
A bullet was added to place the case on HOLD on BENH. (Reference changed from FAA5.F05C) (Policy Broadcast 11‑46, effective 12/01/11)
FAA5.F02B – CA Voluntary Withdrawal- Overview
Removed references to the FAA‑1003 and added information about the Emergency Benefits/Cancelation of Benefits E-Form. (Reference changed from FAA5.R02B)