Revision 02 (10-01-07 through 12-31-07) : FAA1 System Information and Application Screening
FAA1 System Information and Application Screening
FAA1.A09B – Outside Agencies – Family Planning Extension Program
Added the Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP) participant’s requirement to have a renewal completed at 12 months. (Reference changed from FAA1.A09A.02) (Policy Broadcast 07-19, effective 07/01/07)
FAA1.A09B.01 – Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP) Renewal Process - Overview
Added an overview of the FPEP participant’s requirement to have a renewal completed at 12 months. (Policy Broadcast 07-19, effective 07/01/07)
FAA1.A09B.02 – Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP) Renewal – AZTECS Case is Closed
Added procedures on processing the FPEP participant’s renewal when the AZTECS case is closed. (Policy Broadcast 07-19, effective 07/01/07)
FAA1.A09B.03 – MA Stopped for FPEP Participant
Added procedures on processing the FPEP participant’s renewal when the FPEP participant’s MA is stopped and at least one participant in the budgetary unit is currently receiving MA. (Policy Broadcast 07-19, effective 07/01/07)
FAA1.A09B.04 – Medical Assistance (MA) Renewal is Due for FPEP Participant
Added procedures on processing the FPEP participant’s renewal when the MA renewal is due for at least one participant in the MA budgetary unit. (Policy Broadcast 07-19, effective 07/01/07)
FAA1.A09B.05 – FPEP Continued Eligibility
Added requirements for continued FPEP eligibility beyond the initial 12 months. (Policy Broadcast 07-19, effective 07/01/07) Changed the FPL for FPEP from 133% to 150% of the current FPL. (Policy Broadcast 07-30, effective 10/01/07)
FAA1.A09B.06 – FPEP Participant Does Not Turn In an Application
Added that the FPEP participants FPEP eligibility will stop after the initial 12 months when the participant does not turn in an application for MA. (Policy Broadcast 07-19, effective 07/01/07)
FAA1.A09B.07 – FPEP Participant Withdraws or Returned Mail is Received
Added that R&A is responsible for completing the MA determination when the participant voluntarily withdraws or returned mail is received. (Policy Broadcast 07-19, effective 07/01/07)
FAA1.A10D.06 – Programs Administered by FAA – MA – AHCCCS Care – SA and SM
Added a WARNING pertaining to the IR Denial or Closure Reason code to AHCCCS for MA participants. (Policy Broadcast 07-02, effective 01/24/07)
FAA1.A10D.10 – Programs Administered by FAA – MA – S.O.B.R.A.
Changed the FPL for pregnant women from 133% to 150% of the current FPL. (Policy Broadcast 07-30, effective 10/01/07)
FAA1.O02 – Time Frames for Requesting Verification - Overview
Removed that EIs are required to provide assistance from WARNING as this information is a part of the Verification Process policy. (Policy Broadcast 07-21, effective 07/01/07)