Revision 45 (01-01-17 through 12-31-17) : FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
Changed policy to mirror what the Code of Federal Regulations states in regards to countable retirement accounts. Combined countable and not countable accounts, and removed Countable from the title. (Effective 11/08/2017)
FAA4.A05E.02 – Retirement Accounts – Not Countable
Removed entire section and combined COUNTABLE and NOT COUNTABLE retirement accounts into one reference. (Effective 11/08/2017)
Revised policy to state that one burial plot and the value of one funeral agreement per household member is not countable. (Effective 11/08/2017)
Removed rare exotic animals from policy. (Effective 06/26/2017)
FAA4.G04E.01 – NA Student Eligibility-Employment
Added staff can convert the participants work hours to make them meet ABAWD work hour requirements. (Policy Change Alert 17-022F, effective 11/06/2017)
FAA4.G04E.03 – NA Student Eligibility-Jobs E&T
Added Tribal employment and training program. (Effective 07/10/2017)
FAA4.H04C – Americorps Network Program
Added Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) to list of AmeriCorps Network Programs. (NF 17-028F, effective 09/11/2017) Removed Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) from the list of AmeriCorps Network Programs. (Effective 09/25/17)
FAA4.H04WW – Reimbursements
Identified job expense reimbursements. (Effective 07/31/2017)
FAA4.H04DDD.02 – Social Security Administration Other Benefits
Removed entire reference and combined all other SSA income types with Social Security Administration Other Benefits. (Effective 10/01/2017)
FAA4.H04DDD.03 – Social Security Administration Survivors Benefits Retirement Benefits
Removed entire reference and combined with Social Security Administration Other Benefits. (Effective 10/01/2017)
FAA4.H04DDD.04 – Social Security Administration Widows Benefits
Removed entire reference and combined with Social Security Administration Other Benefits. (Effective 10/01/2017)
FAA4.H04DDD.05 – Social Security Administration Retirement Benefits
Changed reference to FAA4.H04DDD.02. Revised policy to include SSA income types that are now considered SS OT. Removed entire reference and combined with Social Security Administration Other Benefits. (Effective 10/01/2017)
FAA4.H06 – Budgeting Child, Spousal and Cash Medical Support
Amended for clarity. (Policy Change Alert 16‑042F, effective 01/30/2017)
FAA4.H07 – Changes in Unearned Income
Changed title, changed for consistency, and added links to reporting types. (Effective 04/03/2017)
FAA4.I03D – In-Kind Income
Changed policy to match glossary definition. (Effective 01/30/2017) Clarified what to do when payment includes both cash and non-cash items. (Effective 07/31/2017)
FAA4.I03G.03 – Military Income – Combat Zone Pay
Added verbiage to better reflect what is contained in the Code of Federal Regulations. (Effective 11/08/2017)
FAA4.I03Q.03 – Bonuses and Incentives
Clarified that meals could be considered a bonus. (Effective 07/31/2017)
FAA4.I06 – Budgeting Income - Overview
Clarified that countable income and not countable income must be separated when keying AZTECS. (Effective 07/31/2017)
FAA4.I07 – Changes in Earned Income
Changed for consistency and added links to reporting types. (Effective 04/03/2017)
FAA4.J05G – Farming
Removed verbiage directing staff to contact the PST. (News Flash 17‑000F, effective 08/28/2017)
FAA4.J06B – Annualizing Self Employment
Added verbiage to clarify how to budget SEEI income when the participant’s income normally does not fluctuate. (Policy Change Alert 17‑006F, effective 07/10/2017)
FAA4.J06C – Anticipating Self Employment
Combined new and terminated source of self employment into one bullet with the terminated hyperlink. Revised verbiage for clarity. (Policy Change Alert 17‑006F, effective 07/10/2017)
FAA4.J09 – Self Employment Verification
Clarified that when using the Schedule C for verification of self employment income and expenses, the Part I Income section, and line 1, gross receipts or sales is the gross income annualized. The 40% self employment expense deduction is subtracted from Line 1. Revised verbiage for clarity. (News Flash 17‑035F, effective 10/10/2017)
FAA4.L04B.02 - NA Dependent Care
Added that activity fees are an allowable expense. Bulleted out first sentence and added clarity to when countable for an incapacitated adult. (Effective 11/08/2017)
FAA4.L07H - Medical Transportation
Removed that Private vehicle expenses may be claimed when verification can be provided. (Effective 11/20/2017)
FAA4.L08D - Shelter Insurance
Added homeowners insurance as an allowable shelter expense for clarity. Added rental insurance as a non-allowable shelter expense because this type of insurance does not cover the structure. (Effective 07/21/2017)
FAA4.L08H - Rent
Removed rental insurance as a shelter expense because this type of insurance does not cover the structure. (Effective 07/21/2017)
FAA4.L10A – Expenses Exceed Income (EEI) – At Interview
Clarified when an alert must be set for EEI situations and that the alert is a free form alert. Revised verbiage for clarity. (Effective 08/28/2017)
FAA4.L12D – Budgeting Child Support Expenses
Due to the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, DCSS is required to charge a Clearinghouse fee. (Effective 06/05/2017)