Revision 30 (06-01-14 through 07-31-14) : FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4.H04P – Clinical Trial Compensation
Added subject for a new type of income. (Policy Change Alert 14-07F, effective 04/07/14)
FAA4.H04KKK – Unemployment Insurance (UI)
Clarified how to address low balance Unemployment Insurance cases. (Policy Change Alert 14‑10F, effective 04/09/14) (Reference changed from FAA4.H04JJJ)
FAA4.I03K – Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Income
Added a new item to include all individuals that can complete interview for NA benefits. (Policy Change Alert 14‑03F, effective 04/02/14)
FAA4.I06A - Projecting Income - Overview
Revised for clarity. Added that one or more semi-monthly checks do not represent the participant’s ongoing income. Replaced certification with approval. (Policy Change Alert 14‑05F, effective 04/02/14)
FAA4.I06A.03 – Projecting Income – Received Semi Monthly
Added subject with procedures regarding semi-monthly income. (Policy Change Alert 14‑05F, effective 04/02/14)
FAA4.J05S – Swap Meet and Yard Sales
Added yard sales to the policy and clarified when the income is countable.
FAA4.J09 – Self Employment Verification
Detailed Internal Revenue Service forms and schedules. (Policy Change Alert 14‑11F, effective 04/17/14)