Revision 36 (06-01-15 through 07-31-15) : FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4.B03H – Grandparent Kinship Care Support Service
Removed subject because the one-time $300 reimbursement is no longer provided.
FAA4.H04DD – Grandparent Kinship
Removed the $300 reimbursement income because it is no longer active.
FAA4.J05G – Farming
Clarified budgeting income. (Policy Change Alert 15‑008F, effective 03/16/15)
FAA4.J06B – Annualizing Self Employment
Removed the exception for NA and added the referral to the farming income for special budgeting procedures. (Policy Change Alert 15‑008F, effective 03/16/15)
FAA4.J06C – Anticipating Self Employment
Removed the exception for NA and added the referral to the farming income for special budgeting procedures. (Policy Change Alert 15‑008F, effective 03/16/15)
FAA4.L04E.03 – Standard Utility Allowance
Clarified how the Standard Utility Allowance and Energy Assistance payments work together.