Revision 50 (01-01-22 through 12-31-22) : FAAEBT Electronic Benefits Transfer
FAAEBT Electronic Benefits Transfer
FAAEBT.A03D – EBT QUEST Card – Participant Education
Added what is considered excessive EBT card replacement. Added the definition or rolling 12 months. (Effective when a cardholder requests a fourth Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card replacement within a 12-month period on or after 02/22/2022)
FAAEBT.A03H – EBT QUEST Card – Excessive Replacement Card Procedures
Archived 02/22/2022
Archived 04/25/2022
Removed information regarding FAA Systems generating a monthly report and R&A responsibilities. Added what is considered an excessive card replacement. (Effect when a cardholder requests a fourth Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card replacement within a 12-month period on or after 02/22/2022). Revised to clarify excessive EBT replacement card process, policies, and FAA responsibility to refer participants to OIG/OSI when suspected of trafficking. Added a link to the definition of NA trafficking and clarified that the card count is per case. (Effective with any EBT replacement requests received on or after 04/25/2022)