Revision 52 (01-01-24 through 12-31-24) : FAA3 Deprivation and Absent Parent Information
FAA3 Deprivation and Absent Parent Information
Added instructions to key the Kinship Care (KS) Alert Code on PRAP. (Updated as of 04/22/2024)
Removed ATLAS from Absent Parent Requirements policy and added AZCARES. (Updated as of 06/24/2024) Updated the timeframe for the DATE OF AF COOPERATION field in AZTECS to populate when DCSS keys the cooperation date in AZCARES. (Effective 09/09/2024)
Added the three-workday timeframe for the DCSS cooperation data to be received by FAA. (Effective 09/09/2024)
Updated policy to clarify after the initial 12 months, the qualified noncitizen is required to comply with the DCSS. Added link to FAA2.D03 Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) Referrals. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 04/15/2024)
Updated the timeframe for the DATE OF AF COOPERATION field in AZTECS to populate when DCSS keys the cooperation date in AZCARES. (Effective 09/09/2024)
Added instructions to key the DCSS Noncompliance (CS) Alert Code on PRAP. (Updated as of 04/22/2024) Added information regarding checking for DCSS cooperation documentation in CADO before denying a new CA application. (Effective 09/09/2024)
Added that there is no good cause exemption for refusal to sign the assignment of rights. Clarified that the G4 good cause code is for a qualified noncitizen, receiving services through the FAA Refugee Unit. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 04/15/2024)
Modified a sentence regarding eligibility for separate household based on age. (Updated as of 04/22/2024) Clarified policy and AZTECS Keying Procedures sections to reflect that income is countable in the month after a child turns 18. (Effective 07/01/2024)
Deleted a redundant sentence. (Updated as of 05/06/2024)
Updated policy for clarity. Added information about Unaccompanied Refugee minors (URMs) and additional Class of Admissions Codes. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 04/15/2024) Added new special immigrant lawful permanent resident Class of Admissions Codes. (Updated as of 05/13/2024) Added the new WHP Class of Admissions (COA) Code for Cuban and Haitian entrants (CHEs). (Effective for all eligibility determinations made on or after 07/01/2024.) Added policy regarding potential eligibility for citizens of Compact of Free Association (COFA). (Effective for all eligibility determinations completed on or after 09/30/2024)
Added clarification for nonqualified noncitizens with valid United States Citizenship and Immigration Services documentation. (Updated as of 05/13/2024) Added clarification to the AZTECS Keying Procedures for participants with a BA, ID, or PA immigration status. (Effective for all eligibility determinations made on or after 07/01/2024.) Removed the NOTE regarding citizens of either the Marshall Islands or the Federated States of Micronesia as it no long applies. (Effective for all eligibility determinations completed on or after 09/30/2024)
Added clarification of the procedures to follow when a participant or budgetary unit receives benefits for the same month in another case. (Updated as of 06/03/2024)
Added clarification about verifying permission with the facility when a participant states they are using an unauthorized institution’s address for mailing purposes, procedures for denying or stopping NA when the participant is in an authorized DAATC or GLA, and requirement that written verification of residency and meals from a facility must be on the organization’s letterhead. (Effective: The CNAP Manual is updated as of 03/18/2024)
Updated for clarity and added information about the Verification of SSN Application for Noncitizens (FAA-1854A) letter for qualified noncitizens without employment authorization. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 04/15/2024). Added clarification that a newborn’s SSN requirement needs to be completed at the next renewal or within six months following the newborn’s date of birth (updated as of 07/01/2024).
Added instructions to key the School Attendance Noncompliance (SA) Alert code on PRAP. (Updated as of 04/22/2024)
Added instructions to key the School Attendance Noncompliance (SA) Alert Code on PRAP. (Updated as of 04/22/2024)
Added instructions to key the Immunization Noncompliance (IM) Alert Code on PRAP. (Updated as of 04/22/2024)